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This is a project working with Switzerlan writer Julie. We created story together and I illustrated for it.

屏幕快照 2021-05-27 上午11.14.42.png

She is sitting on a bench at the nursery. She is already wearing her coat, winter boots and a hat with a huge pompon. When I come in, she offers me her drawing. It represents, she explains, a ghost riding a rainbow. Wednesday with my niece are so very cool ! She takes my hand, doesn’t let it go. It’s freezing outside and we follow footprints in the snow. The biggest of all – a pair of Seven League Boots, most certainly – lead to a noodle restaurant. The ogre is nowhere to be seen. My niece orders a curry soup. I, one with paprika. « You’ll never guess, she says enthusiastically, Edmontosaurus and I found nine puppies in a blue bin, this morning. The funny eyed monster had put them inside. » « No way, I reply. As for myself, I saw Spiderman flying over the city this morning. »

She is watching the sky, trying to spot her Superhero’s presence amoungst the clouds. She only stops when we reach the playground. She runs towards the swings, catches some invisible stars with her feet. Then she joins other children playing on a slide. I sit on a bench and take my sketchbook out. « You’ll never guess, she says, popping out of nowhere, the Queen of Spade tried to steal my hat. She said she was very cold. I told her to go home and eat some nettle soup. » « No way, I reply. As for myself, I spotted a Java sparrow eating an orchid. »

My niece’s bathing suit has dragons on it. She carefully wet them before jumping in the water. I like public swimming pools. Especially in the afternoon. I lay down on a deck chair while she splashes around. I open my book and forget about the noise. « You’ll never guess, my niece says. A war has just begun. The soldier with the golden helmet caught the scaled lady warrior by the heel ! » « No way, I reply. As for myself, I just saw a giraff in a yellow bathing suit jumping from the diving board. » She looks at me, sceptical.

I finally reach the restaurant’s door. My niece must be sleeping by now. I dream of a large beer and some peanuts. Wednesday with my niece are so very cool. But so very exhausting !

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